Risen first rod, In The Beginning, started it all. Risen built this rod to meet the demands of a wide range of anglers. The moderate action allows you to take your time to load the rod to more accurately target rising fish. This rod also fishes well in larger streams and rivers for bass, steelhead and salmon. The action allows a good rod load but also helps protect lighter tippets. It's a great rod with higher grade materials than many other rods in its price range with an eye catching design that will get you on the water throwing tight loops and placing your fly where you want it.
- High module graphite blank in a bold burnt orange color and amber wrappings
- Mid flex, medium-fast action
- 4 sections with the length and weight of rod marked on the end of each section to avoid confusion and alignment dots
- High quality 2 toned cork
- Steel snakes and guides with hook keeper
- Machined reel seat with wooden insert
- Triangle rod tube to prevent the rod from rolling around
- 4 section rod sock
Rod Setup Options:
- 7’6” 3 weight 4 piece - 2.9 oz
- 8’6” 4 weight 4 piece - 3.4 oz
- 9’ 5 weight 4 piece - 3.6 oz
- 9’ 6 weight 4 piece - 3.8 oz
- 10’ 7 weight 4 piece - 4.5 oz
- 9’ 8 weight 4 piece - 4.2 oz