Crawdad are an important source of food for many of the freshwater fish we all love to catch. Crawdad inhabit clean, healthy water and they are a significant food source for bass, trout, pike, musky…..almost any predatory fresh water fish. Tie on a Realistic Crawdad Orange to get the freshwater hits.
The Orange Unreal Egg Fly is one of the most realistic roe patters available. The internal red glass bead gives the fly a 3D effect and mimics a fertilized egg exceptionally well. The color...
The popular Orange Comet Fly seems to have originated on the steelhead rivers of Northern California. It should be effective wherever a medium weighted fly is required.
The Orange Egg Fly is perhaps the most popular roe color. Almost every freshwater fish will eat eggs including Steelhead and Salmon. Whether you are fishing in famous Steelhead run, your local river...
Stimulator Orange Dry Fly has proven itself to work in a variety of dry fly fishing situations and demands a spot in every trout fishing fly box. Hollow hair and ample hackle allows this fish fly to...
Shrimp are not usually part of a salmon's diet once it moves into fresh water. Even so, the Orange Prawn Flies seem to trigger something in a fish's memory that makes it strike.
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