The Traditional Pale Morning Dun continues to prove itself as a top producing pattern. This basic pattern floats well , is durable and has a silhouette fish love. These characteristics will keep this pattern in fly boxes for years to come.
Synthetic materials have a great influence in how new flies are created. They are more durable, float better and are often easier to see than traditional materials. This is the case with the Pale...
The Pale Morning Dun Sparkle Dun, Pale Yellow/Brown pattern covers the stage of a mayfly hatch just before complete emergence of the dun. At this vulnerable stage mayflies are irresistable to rising...
Fly fishers on waters with selective trout find that CDC Pale Morning Duns provide a near perfect mayfly silhouette. They are extremely effective hatch matching dry flies when a hackled or more...
Many fishermen plan their summer fishing itinerary around the famous Ephemerella or Pale Morning Dun hatches. Streamside occurrences of this Mayfly definitely get the trout’s attention as they move...
The Thorax Pale Morning Dun was created to have the exact profile and impression of a mayfly dun on the water. The hackle is trimmed on the bottom of the fly which makes it land upright and float...
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