Midge patterns are overlooked by many fly anglers. Midges are most commonly used to match Chironomid hatches but often work great when fish refuse other dry flies. Chironomids hatch year round but fish target them when mayflies, caddis, and other insects are less abundant. Fish feeding on midges will rise more often due to needing to eat more of the small insects to make a meal. The Gray Midge is a fly that will work on any water and should always have a spot in your box.
With a highly visible parachute post, this Gray Indicator Parachute Midge Fly with a semi vertical profile makes this an excellent hatching midge pattern.
The Blood Midge Fly like many other species of midge species exhibits a red coloration in their larval stage. This fly is useful in both river and lake environments since midges are usually the most...
Midge patterns are overlooked by many fly anglers. Midges are most commonly used to match Chironomid hatches but often work great when fish refuse other dry flies. Chironomids hatch year round but...
The Black Stillborn Midge is a proven pattern for midge emergers. The thin, white foam and hackle keeps the top of the fly on the surface while the body of the fly hangs from the surface film. Keep...
This Tan Xelon Midge is among the best adult midge patterns available for selective trout. Fish seem to take it willingly in the early to middle stages of a hatch or when the hatch is somewhat sparse.
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