To The River!
Here’s a quick fishing tip for ya. When I walk to the river, I normally do so with my rod facing backwards. I do this for a couple of reasons. I’m a bit older, I’m rockin the dad bod these days, and am not as nearly as nimble on my feet as I used to be. If I happen to slip and fall, it’s likely forward, and I likely have a broken rod tip. I also find it easier to pull my rod through the brush, than try to eyeball it through going forward.
If you are going to hit the path rod backward, rig up your rod with a fly on and attach it to the loop. Why? It will hold the rod tip on. I lost the tip to my black Sage One 4wt a few weeks backs trudging down to the river. You’d be amazed how invisible it can quickly be if you don’t notice it right away. Luckily, if fell on a patch of snow, but even at that, I think I was pretty lucky to find it.
That’s it for now my fishy friends. Remember, pack it in, pack it out. If you take care of mother nature, she’ll take care of you.
Tight Lines and Screaming Drags