Don't Buy That Fly! Bass Edition (Post)
Previously RiverBum published "Don't Buy That Fly!" blog post for Trout fishing. It was so popular, that we've done another one for Bass fishing. A little background: when I first started out wi ...
Convertible Flies (Post)
Certain flies seem to be able to almost do it all. Here's a few of my favorites and what they can work for. Wooly or Krystal Bugger - This is THE lake fly, possibly THE fly period to have if you hav ...
Shad Fishing: A Hidden Gem (Post)
Shad Fishing: Shad are a wonderful gamefish. There are two prevalent species. The Hickory Shad which can be found in waters on the east coast from Florida to New Foundland and ...
Bass Fly Fishing for the Beginner (Post)
Most of us that have bass fished started off using conventional gear.....as in spinning rods and bait casters. However, fly fishing for bass has some key advantages over conventional gear. ...
Streamer Fishing Tips (Post)
Streamer fishing. I live in the Northwest. I absolutely fell in love with dry fly fishing. There’s nothing like seeing a hungry cutty rising to your fly in clear water. Time slows down, you see the ...
It's Streamer Time! (Post)
The greased line method of streamer fishing has to be one of the most overlooked methods for streamer fishing for trout. Originally developed in Europe, the technique was developed to present a fl ...
Bucket Mouths on the Fly (Post)
Many of us grew up gear fisherman going after bass. I know I did. Fly Fishing for bass takes bass fishing to a whole other level. Some say it is more difficult. There could be some truth to that ...
Safe Catch & Release Techniques (Post)
My friend and fellow fly fishing guide just sent me a picture in an email titled: "How to Hold a Fish." The title was obviously written with a good deal of sarcasm. The poor trout has bulging eyes, i ...
Bass on the Fly (Post)
If you read these tips often you'll recognize that I'm primarily a trout fisherman. However, there's something really cool about bass. They act totally different from trout. They hang out basically m ...
Emergers: Caddisflies (Post)
As previously written, emergers are one of my favorite patterns to use, and very under utilized by the average fly fisherman. In our last blog, we spoke a bit about mayfly emergers. Here, I ...
Bunny Leeches (Post)
The Bunny LeechFrom Florida to Alaska and everywhere in between, the bunny leech is undoubtedly one of the top streamers ever created. Bunny leeches are made from rabbit hide strips which ...
Why You Need a Landing Net (Post)
There are mаnу tуреѕ оf gear аѕѕосіаtеd with fly fishing. Landing nets are a staple for nearly every angler because netting the fish makes landing a quicker process for the angler and ...