Saltwater Patterns for Big Trout (Post)
Some of the very best trout streamers were actually designed to be fished in the salt. Don't be afraid to try Clouser Minnows, Deceivers, and other salt water streamers for big carnivorous trout, esp ...
Don't Buy That Fly! Bass Edition (Post)
Previously RiverBum published "Don't Buy That Fly!" blog post for Trout fishing. It was so popular, that we've done another one for Bass fishing. A little background: when I first started out wi ...
Warm Water Fly Patterns (Post)
RiverBum Pro Capt. Jimmy Daniels talks about some of the best warm water fly patterns you can use to catch Bass, Panfish and other warm water predators. Flies include Gurglers, clousers, bass poppers ...
Bass Fly Fishing for the Beginner (Post)
Most of us that have bass fished started off using conventional gear.....as in spinning rods and bait casters. However, fly fishing for bass has some key advantages over conventional gear. ...
Saltwater Fly Patterns (Post)
RiverBum Pro Capt. Jimmy Daniels talks about some of the best saltwater fly patterns you can use to catch Permit, barracuda, bonefish, redfish and Tarpon. Flies include shrimp, clousers, deceiver and ...
Fly Fish Wherever You Are (Post)
I'm sitting at my sister and brother in law's house on a Massachusetts beach as I write this, reminded as I look out at the calm waters today that I don't have a fly rod with me. Whilst I sit and lam ...
Versatile Fly Patterns (Post)
Sometimes you get in a situation where you just don't have the right bug. However, there are some versatile patterns that might be close enough. Here are a few of my favorites: Zebra Midges - Sounds ...
April Showers bring May Stripers - (Post)
This past April was one of the rankest in Boston history. However, May in Massachusetts kicks off Striped Bass season. This past weekend, a month after I was fishing the flats in Abaco, I was bundled ...
Kayak Fly Fishing Classic - Winner Tony Lai (Post)
Well I've been on the road working as a Millwright and just got back from working Icast for the last week. I saw KFC was throwing a fly fishing tournament so I decided to fish it. I started th ...
The Heat Is On (Post)
Why do I hear Glenn Fry in my head right now? I guess I'm showing my age a bit too! Well, we are in full summer swing, and that means water temperatures are on the rise. At RiverBum, we care ...
5 Cant Miss Trout Flies for the Holidays (Post)
One of the questions that I get around this time of year is "What kind of flies should I buy ______ for Christmas?" Well, as most seasoned anglers know it depends. It depends on where they fish, what ...
The Sweet Salt (Post)
When thinking of fly fishing, most anglers and non-anglers alike often envision a windy mountainous stream or river with gin-clear water gently flowing alongside stretches of river rock cobble bar ...