Fly Rod Selection For The Beginner (Post)
So, I get asked this question a lot, what fly rod are you using? The fact is, I have a lot of fly rods and routinely use many of them. Many are species and water specific. I’ll use my 2wt popp ...
Fly Color Selection (Post)
Many fly fisherman swear by certain color selection, especially streamer fisherman. Whether you’re fishing for trout, musky, steelhead, or bonefish, it seems everyone has their color of choic ...
How to Choose a New Fly Rod (Post)
Today we are going to talk about buying a new fly rod. But with so many brands out there, what do you buy.......Or more importantly to most......what do you spend? Now a days you can spend ...
Allison Hendricks: RiverBum Saltwater Pro (Post)
Several months ago, we teamed up with Allison Helen Henricks to help us improve and develop our saltwater division. For those of you not familiar with Allison, she grew up in Northern Id ...
Why You Should Use Leech Patterns in Winter: A Guide’s Perspective (Post)
As a professional fly fishing guide, I’ve spent countless days on the water during the colder months. Whether you're casting for trout in icy rivers, swinging for steelhead in the Pacific Northwest, ...
Selecting Your Steelhead Flies (Post)
Chasing chrome is some of the most exciting fishing you can do. Steelhead are among the toughest fighting fish, have epic leaps, and get you into your drag quickly. Steelhead aren’t ...
Tips for Fishing the Surf (Post)
Surf fishing can be tough, almost unforgiving at times, with the fly rod. Here are some tips to help you out.CastingIf you’re surf fishing, you’re going to have wind. There’s no way around it. P ...
Fly Fishing for Water Wolves (Post)
When I was about 5 years old, I pulled a huge Northern Pike out through the ice and screamed to my dad that I caught an alligator….or so the family story goes. The point here is, Pike are not ...
Fly Fishing for Pike - Tips & Tricks to Catch More Pike (Post)
Pike fly fishing is not just for the pros. With the right gear, even new anglers can become successful at it. Want to give it a go? In this blog, we’ll talk about some tips and tricks that can hel ...
Tides, Moon and Weather Patterns (Post)
Things like weather patterns, moon phase, and tides can play a big role in determining whether or not fish will feed. Sometimes if all these factors are not in your favor you might as well stay home ...
Salmon and Steelhead Success (Post)
It’s that time of year again - a chill is in the air, the water temps are dropping, and the chromers are swimming. Check out some RiverBum tips and reminders to improve your fly fishing succe ...
Transitioning From Freshwater to Saltwater (Post)
When I was just a yute (hat tip to “My Cousin Vinny”) I routinely gear and bait fished both fresh and saltwater with my father and my Uncle Don. I'll never forget a great white shark swimming n ...