Big Flies (Post)
Many anglers tend to overlook large flies, especially large nymphs in tailwaters. While it is true that the cool constant water of tailwaters tends to produce large numbers of midges, small mayflies, ...
The Two Fly Guy (Post)
Anyone who has followed me for a bit or has gone fishing with me, knows that I am a huge advocate of fishing a double rig. In almost any situation, I have found fishing two flies is completely app ...
The Brassie (Post)
Don’t under estimate the Brassie! It’s one of the best all-around small fly nymphs out there. The Brassie has a wire body that imitates the segmented bodies of midges and caddisflie ...
Hammer The Hatch (Post)
If you want to improve as a Flyfisher and bring more fish to the net, you really need to know your bugs, and their life cycles. Mayflies will go from nymphs, emerger, dun, then spinner.& ...
3 Tips To Choose And Use The Right Fly (Post)
Whether you’re new to fly fishing or you have years of experience, one thing can frustrate anglers of all levels—choosing the right fly.It’s true that not all flies are equal. Choosing the right fly ...
Matching the Hatch with Movement (Post)
Most fly anglers think of matching the hatch as the process of selecting the appropriate size, shape, and color of fly to imitate a trout's natural food. But it's also important to match the behavior ...
River Report: Arkansas (Post)
Well, things have been a little erratic in the natural state the last several weeks. It’s Arkansas, so if you don’t like the weather, just wait 15 minutes, it will change. We’ve had temperature r ...
Cold Fish (Post)
The weather is probably starting to turn cold where you're at. It is where I am. However, as the tip last week pointed out, this really shouldn't be a deterrent to you getting out and catching fish.
Winter fly Fishing Projects (Post)
If snow and cold has got you trapped indoors this winter here are some things to consider doing while you watch a great fly fishing DVD from RiverBum: Organize your vest or pack. Surely, if you're a ...
Dry Dropper Rigs for Lakes (Post)
When most people think of trout fishing in lakes they automatically think of sinking lines and stripping leeches and wooly buggers. While this is certainly a tried and true tactic sometimes it isn't ...
Don’t Buy that Fly! A Guide For Beginners (Post)
Beginners: Stick with the Essentials The pure variety of flies on the market today can be overwhelming, especially to the novice fisherman. At RiverBum, we have over 2,500 unique patterns!&n ...
Taking Stock of Your Fly Fishing Flies Inventory (Post)
When was the last time you checked your fly box? If it needs some organizing, now is a good time to do that. I do not know about you, but by the end of a season my boxes are a train wre ...