Introducing the TFO Stealth Fly Rod (Post)
The new Stealth is the perfect tool to apply European, tight-line and high-stick nymphing method that each year is proving to be more and more popular. These rods are a great tool t ...
Hooking Fish and Keeping Them Hooked (Post)
A recent question on this topic got me thinking about the best ways to hook and hold fish. Following will be two part tip to help in hooking fish and getting fish to the net or hand. This week we wil ...
Fly Fishing Tips and Tricks - Bumper Bugs (Post)
Going to a new area that you haven’t fished or even an old haunt just a different section of the river? Wash your vehicle before you get out on the water. That’s right. When you ...
How to Choose a New Fly Rod (Post)
Today we are going to talk about buying a new fly rod. But with so many brands out there, what do you buy.......Or more importantly to most......what do you spend? Now a days you can spend ...
Why We Love Monic Fly Lines (Post)
Monic fly lines perform in ALL TEMPERATURES. If you're fishing in the heat of the summer, or the cold of winter, they simply perform. They are made of 100% PVC Free and are made of eco-fr ...
Intro to Fly Fishing: Casting with The Helicopter Cast (Post)
The helicopter or parachute cast is an interesting casting technique. Steve Moran taught me this technique on the St. Joe River during a hatch where the trout were being very selective. Downs ...
3 Tips To Choose And Use The Right Fly (Post)
Whether you’re new to fly fishing or you have years of experience, one thing can frustrate anglers of all levels—choosing the right fly.It’s true that not all flies are equal. Choosing the right fly ...
Fly Fishing Line – How to Buy the Right One (Post)
Fly fishing can be intimidating to the novice. There is an astonishing amount of gear out there. Choosing a fly line is no exception. It can become complicated with the ...
5 Things To Look For In A Fly Rod Roof Rack (Post)
If you're in the market for a fly rod roof rack, there are a few things you should consider before spending any money. After all, if you're going to use it to transport (and protect) your fly rod, th ...
Introduction to Fly Fishing: Reading The Rise (Post)
Oh, there's fish rising! So the hustle down to the water, the plop into the stream, hurry and get your fly out......and nothing. I see this mistake all the time.To become a skilled fisher ...
Product Review - Maxxon Aurelius Fly Rod (Post)
RiverBum Pro Capt Jim Daniels reviews the Maxxon Aurelius Fly Rod and the Maxxon XMX Fly Reel in a rather unique way - by letting his clients cast and use the reel rod combo.
Taking Stock of Your Fly Fishing Flies Inventory (Post)
When was the last time you checked your fly box? If it needs some organizing, now is a good time to do that. I do not know about you, but by the end of a season my boxes are a train wre ...